This is an utterly boring page and is only meant for people with lots of time to spare and money to spend on ME.
I've worked on all kinds of projects for grades one through seven with most of the major textbook publishers in the Chicago area. These projects have included:
• writing a 120 page mystery novel for fourth graders
• writing phonics stories
• editing a middle grade science book series
• writing student activities, author/illustrator biographies, and fine art captions
• editing and writing a language arts textbook
• editing and writing an ESL workbook
• researching fine art and illustrations
• compiling bibliographies
My client list includes Rigby, Open Court Publishing, Ligature, Scott Foresman, Quarasan, Nystrom, Learning Unlimited, and Learning Resources.
The editors at Parachute Press contacted me about writing two books for R.L.Stine. Go To Your Tomb Right Now and Three Evil Wishes were both free-lance projects. I actually enjoy the quick pace of these writing projects! My book Kidding Around Chicago was a free-lance project as well.
Short Stories:
My story, Fun With Spelling, appeared in the collection More and More Tales to Give You Goosebumps. I've written many projects for Publications International, including 6 scary short stories for their book, Super Sleepovers. I also wrote a few chapters for their craft and activity book, Family Fun Guide.
Many of my craft, game, and activity ideas have been published in American Girl. I also wrote all the games for their Tropical Party Kit guide and their Fifties Sock Hop guide. My short stories have appeared in Highlights and Child Life.