I’ve been doing school visits since 1995, and over the years I’ve discovered something quite amazing. Teachers are real people! And, believe it or not, so are principals! They watch reality TV, do Pilates and eat Oreo cookies just like the rest of us.
Who knew? I could have sworn that they slept under their desks and only drank milk from little cartons.
I’ve met some fabulous principals over the years who work hard to make an inspirational learning environment for their students. They stay late, arrive early, deal with parents and settle lunchroom disputes. And some are just plain cool. (Special shout out to the principal in a certain Evanston school who sports pink hair and skateboards through the halls. Dude, you rock!) I like to think of this book as my Ode to Principals. In fact, I dedicated it to all the principals, teachers and students I’ve met over the years. I also dedicated it to my buddy Carol, who tirelessly and efficiently organizes all my school visits. Thanks Carol!
In this book Principal Fred throws a hissy fit while looking for his favorite bear. He just won’t go to bed without it, and who can blame him? My own childhood bear Albert watches over me while I sleep. I’ve had him since I was three, which makes him very, very old.
Pajama Day Presentation:
I think this is the perfect book to read for Pajama Day. And if you have me come to your school that day I will wear my special Sock Monkey pajamas and slippers—I promise!